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stargate: continuum

stargate: continuum|stargate: tiempo infinito|||stargate: linha do tempo|||
stargate: continuum|stargate: el continuo|||stargate: linha do tempo|||
when the stargate team goes to see ba'al, the last of the system lords, being extracted from his host. all of a sudden, tealc, vala and all of their allies start to vanish. later carter, daniel, and mitchell try to escape through the stargate but find themselves not on earth but on a ship trapped beneath the polar ice cap. they learn they are on the freighter that was delivering the stargate found in egypt in 1939 to america. the ship is about to sink and they evacuate. they are picked up by a s...|un equipo militar de élite (sg-1) debe regresar a la tierra cuando dos de sus miembros desaparecen misteriosamente. vuelven a un mundo donde stargate -una antigua puerta estelar que les transportaba a cientos de planetas- aún no ha sido descubierta y sus vidas han sido borradas. esta vez, deberán convencer a un gobierno y a todo un ejército de que el tiempo ha sido alterado por un potente enemigo alienígena (ba'al) para poder conquistar la tierra.||||||
stargate: continuum
stargate: tiempo infinito
stargate: linha do tempo
when the stargate team goes to see ba'al, the last of the system lords, being extracted from his host. all of a sudden, tealc, vala and all of their allies start to vanish. later carter, daniel, and mitchell try to escape through the stargate but find themselves not on earth but on a ship trapped beneath the polar ice cap. they learn they are on the freighter that was delivering the stargate found in egypt in 1939 to america. the ship is about to sink and they evacuate. they are picked up by a submarine and brought to a naval base where they learn the sg project never happened. they try to warn the government that the gouald might attack earth. but the government doesn't believe and tells them that they're being released and given new identities and not to talk about what they are talking about. three months later, the gouald attack and the government asks for their help.
un equipo militar de élite (sg-1) debe regresar a la tierra cuando dos de sus miembros desaparecen misteriosamente. vuelven a un mundo donde stargate -una antigua puerta estelar que les transportaba a cientos de planetas- aún no ha sido descubierta y sus vidas han sido borradas. esta vez, deberán convencer a un gobierno y a todo un ejército de que el tiempo ha sido alterado por un potente enemigo alienígena (ba'al) para poder conquistar la tierra.
lt. col. cameron mitchell|750|,lt. col. samantha carter|751|,teal'c|752|,daniel jackson|753|,mjr. gen. henry 'hank' landry|754|,vala mal doran / quetesh|755|,general jonathan 'jack' o'neill|756|,president hayes|757|,ba'al|758|,major general george hammond|759|
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